Nothing exciting to report. This weekend we are taking a trip into the woods for some good old camping and fishing. I will make it a point to really fire off the T3
I have been doing a few overnight camp trips up to Mt Hood to visit my beautiful wife, who is up there working for the summer. Luckily it includes taking a canoe out on a pond in the hunt for black bass. This Hocus Locust bagged me a small large mouth.
Well I have found that my T3 will open up with little provocation. It is terrifying to see your half shot roll of film fully exposed to light. Losing photos is a bummer, but not all is lost... with a quick closing reaction you can save a good portion of your photos. Gaffer tape to the rescue.
I found this tired old soul in the hallway of the film lab... cast out like an old unwanted dog. Is this the future of all things film? I must admit that I haven't been to the color darkroom in about a year now, I wonder if they still exist? My condolences to analog CMY dials.
This page contains 35mm(ZERO megapixels) photos taken on a Contax T3, documenting my travels. Occasionally there are links(in blue) to corresponding digital photos.